Numbing through the Day

Blog 3074, 23 August 2023, Wednesday                               

Dear friend,

Saying I felt fine yesterday is like asking someone who’s mouth is thoroughly numbed by Novocain if the new filling hurts. “I ‘on’t know, canned feewo noten.” Ah, there’s a sentence that sums up the previous 24 hours of my life, maybe 36. “I don’t know, I can’t feel nothing.” How was I feeling? I don’t know.

Tuesday morning, after three and a half hours of sleep, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and my brain was active, thinking, playing vocabulary games, ready to write a blog. I got up, turned on the computer, wrote as far as the “Dear friend” salutation line. That’s where the words ended, the thoughts failed to appear, and I just sat there. That is not my usual morning pattern. Instead of writing, I read through the BBC news and the previous day’s CNN news, I did a sudoku, and after three hours went back to bed, laid there for a half hour, got up and did another sudoku, and went back to bed about 5:30. No sleep came. I got up, turned on the TV to catch the news, finally fell asleep. I woke up at almost 9, I’d missed my Men’s Group Zoom, and felt that I was hung-over. I was hung-over like someone who’d just eaten three pizzas. I was bloated mentally and physically. Nothing hurt, I was simply trying to sprint in a waist-deep bowl of Jell-O. That’s why there was no blog yesterday. It was a numb day.

In the afternoon I laid down to take a ten-minute power nap; it lasted an hour and a half. By the time our dinner (pizza) guests arrived, I was charming, witty, and gentle, proof I still wasn’t feeling well. However, in absolute truth, I enjoyed their company. Later we were out at the pool (a body of water I’ve never been in) where their kids swam. We came back in for ice cream, a dessert to complement the healthy dinner. When we were at their place, they feasted us with a safari quality dinner, we returned the compliment with a drive-through American dinner for which we slaved fifteen-minutes at 425˚.

Today I blog about the blog I didn’t write yesterday. Later today I see my eye doctor for the last time, and it’s because I can see now that I can see her. I’ll try to get some information about what she sees regarding the future of my eyesight. I’m not going blind, I just want my eyes to focus together, looking at the same written line together and not skipping around. I want to read without giving myself a headache in ten minutes. Many have much worse problems than I have. I know that. Love,


Written and Posted: 5 a.m. Wednesday

2 thoughts on “Numbing through the Day

  1. Insomnia, yes. I saw 4:30 A.M. roll over before sleep arrived. Alarming. And I don’t/can’t take refuge in sudoku.

  2. When Jean can’s sleep, I suggest she read one of my books but she declines. I can’t understand why, whenever I read what I wrote I get sleepy.

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